Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Currently Reading:

Let me tell you why this pertains to my pursuit of creative happiness. After reading this book (I'm almost done) I'm at a point where I've hit a wall. I've now been forced to reconsider every food I eat (or have eaten). Food is our livelihood. It's directly linked to our other lifestyle choices. Or at least, it should be.

Up until I found out about my food allergies I didn't really worry much about what I ate. I value health and get a fair amount of exercise, and I figured I didn't really need to worry too much about what I was consuming. Generally speaking, I scoffed at vegans. Sorry, vegans. I always thought that they came off as being really pretentious. Then I found out that eggs are one of my food sensitivities. AND realized that almost anything I wanted to eat that was gluten-free would most likely have to end up being vegan too (because of the egg factor). I felt like it was my return karma for making fun of vegans for so long- but as it turned out, I really liked their food.

It's been a long journey over the past year, and it's certainly not done. I'm not a vegetarian or a vegan at this point in time (if I so much as mention it in my house during the holidays my dad just rolls his eyes and offers me more steak) but I'm more and more keen on the idea. It's becoming a more manageable lifestyle in our society. We have so much other food we can enjoy besides meat.

Give Eating Animals a bit of your time.

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