Sunday, December 6, 2009

Why Christmas is Stressful.

Tonight I saw the gaudiest of gaudy fake Christmas trees, decked out with speakers in their branches that played "Carol of the Bells" loudly. Ew. I understand what how Charlie Brown felt when he and Linus went to pick out a tree at the aluminum Christmas tree lot.

My friend Jon said the other night that part of the reason he's always been kind of wary of the holiday season was due to the fact that he'd go over to friends houses when he was younger and his friend's mothers would decorated their houses hideously- with ugly Santas and snowmen and all that yuck. You know the stuff.

I think that sometimes the reason Christmas feels insincere or fake to me is because I only see the gaudiness- and that is a complete facade, isn't it? This year, I hope to find more meaning in this time of year. This not only means remembering the reason it's important to me- the birth of a man who symbolizes perfect love in my life- it also means that I must create out of celebration and act intentionally to enjoy everything going on around me. Step one? Find some good Christmas music. I just purchased David Bazaan's "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." Good start. I couldn't find it online, but I found a similar cover. I think this guy has the right idea. He kind of has a beard like David's, too.

Tomorrow I'll try to post pictures of a fun mobile I created. But now, I sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like this post. merry christmas.
-nathaniel. (toodles.)