Friday, October 8, 2010

Buttons in the Ground.

Shameless plug for a friend who I believe in.

My friend Andrew just told me that he's working on a film called "Buttons in the Ground". One of the first times I connected to Andrew was when we were in college and I walked by his room on the way to visit another friend. As I passed his room, I stopped dead in my tracks because I noticed something AWESOME on his wall. He had painted a gigantic action shot of his roommate Gabe on a hand-made canvas in high contrast black-and-white (with some bright color as an accent). I picked his brain extensively about it that day, and even tried to replicate it at one point. I think it was around our senior year that Andrew produced a film called "My Suburban Tea." This is probably my favorite student film that came out of Biola University. I think it's brilliant, especially in lieu of the fact that he and his crew had 48 hours to write and execute the ENTIRE thing.

This is that one. Bloody brilliant.

So there's that. Now, here's this.

This is the new film that Andrew is directing with a few other friends I went to school with. It has SO MUCH potential to be incredible! Help them by donating to Kickstarter before October 18th. They need a lot of funds to back this film. If you can't give money, and you live in Southern California, consider donating goods for them to use in the set production. Specific needs are listed on the film's website.

Help this project to thrive.

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