Friday, October 22, 2010

Photo-A-Day Keeps Forgetting Away.

Or maybe not.

Anyway, I've been wanting to do this project for awhile.

I always come up with excuses not to take my camera places. The past few years have been a really uninspiring time for me in terms of photography. Actually, once I purchased a digital SLR it all went down from there. Prior to that, I had a point-and-shoot digital and I had played around with my parents' old AE-1 SLR. At some point after investing in an expensive camera, I began to feel disillusioned with my purpose as a photographer. Watching everyone around me taking pictures all the time was disheartening because I started to see how snapping a picture can distract from a memory. Does smiling falsely with a group of friends really capture a moment? Will the sunset ever really look as beautiful in pixel-form as it does to the human eye? Why take a picture that the five people are capturing right at this moment and will subsequently load to Facebook as soon as they get home?

As much as I have these thoughts, I really do want to see my life documented. Not in excess, but perhaps in one snapshot a day.

So, that's what I'm doing. I'm on day two. On day seven I'll edit and upload my pictures. I'm still deciding if I should only commit to taking a single picture per day (so if it doesn't turn out, I have to treat it as if I took it with a film camera) or I can take a few pictures and pick the favorite, deleting the rest. I'm also thinking about assigning a "theme" to each week. Maybe a word or an idea. Maybe not. Maybe I'll just focus on life as I know it.

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